It's about time! :P Congrats on 200; looking forward to that game.
Joined on 11/22/11
It's about time! :P Congrats on 200; looking forward to that game.
Thanks man! Yeah I am too, it has been an epic struggle!
If i could ever get my game ideas going with a crew i would love having you in it (No dirty joke intended)
But really i'm terrible at finding folks to help me out so i guess my game will never go far from the egg shells.
Hope you'll come back and post some stuff, even if it's old. I don't use FB, especially for art lol, either way it'd be nice to hear how you've been
One of the top developers in Newgrounds? Someone on (or associated) with staff? Hyptosis?
Really glad to hear you got day-work (real-world commissions), and you're continuing to wow us with visual wizardry. Welcome to the blog-o-sphere!
Not associated with staff but someone well know in the community as a top-of-2012 game developer, more exciting is that the project is steaming along into completion!
Thanks man! Yeah it has been a bit busy lately but I always find time to throw up a speed paint.
This blogging thing is new to me, but I've always hated the response/messaging system in NG and I felt that this gives me better avenues in replying/talking to people here.